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Essential piece of kit to clean, deodorise and maintain the life of your gloves and wraps. Bacteria build up inside the glove caused by excessive sweat not only makes the glove and handwrap smell

like a rotting pair of socks, it can also contribute to fungal build up inside the glove and on the wraps. Spray daily after use and air dry overnight. Spray can also clean staining to gloves and keep the glove material in good shape.

Hez Hez Glove Deodorising Spray 150ml

  • Payments to the gym will be paid to as a donation every 6 weeks. Sales that come through our Hez-Hez website only will be accumulated over this period and 20% of those sales profits, which have your named gym on the order receipt, will be tallied up and divided accordingly to the relevant gym.

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